
Monday, October 29, 2012

"What I Will Do to Graduate from High School"

“What I Will Do to Graduate from High

What I will I do to graduate from high school?

v I need to work hard to pass all my classes.

v Do all my assignments when they are do and not turn it in late.

v Be on time and ready to learn.

v Always to choose the right and not the wrong.

v Prepared for tests, quizzes, and final exams.

v Talk to my consoler to see what classes I need or what classes I am missing.

v You have to take and pass the Cahsee Exit Exam.

v There is two parts the English and the math part. Each part you need to pass it with 250 points or more.

 v You will have several opportunities to pass that test but always try to pass it the first time so you don’t have to worry about.

v If you missed a day of school because you were sick then tell your teachers on what you missed so you don’t fall behind also your teacher’s see that you care and they will give you the work.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help because you can fall behind and not graduate from high school. There will be someone that can help you. There are also clubs that you can join to help or you could get help if you can to. Clubs are good when you are doing your resume. Don’t let other people who are choosing the wrong influence you because they are not good friends. If you have friend that don’t have good grades help them if they want too and if they don’t want to then stay away from them. Try to get your parents involved so they could know and see if you are going to graduate. If your parents are not involved there are some students that don’t care and they don’t graduate. Choose the right so you could GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL!!!





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