
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Distance Education: Is a Virtual Classroom for You? (Part 1)

Distance Education: Is a Virtual

           Classroom for You?

                          Part 1

You may want to take a class that your high school doesn’t offer. Under some circumstances, you can still enroll in the class-through distance learning.

Distance education means taking a class without being physically present where it is being taught. Internet-based technology lets students participate in lectures and class sessions online from almost anywhere.

Some high schools agree to recognize distance-learning credits when they don’t have the resources to offer a course themselves. Distance education is often used to increase options in rural areas and for AP® courses.

For you, it might mean doing self-tutorial at home in the evening, or participating in a class that is 1,000 miles away, along with other high school students. Check with your school counselor to see what’s available.

            Choose The Right!!!


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